Web Application Development

Digiwise is a leading provider of web application development services, offering custom solutions for businesses of all sizes and domains. Whether you need a simple website, a complex web portal, or a data-driven web application, we have the skills and experience to deliver it.

At Digiwise, we pride ourselves on being full stack web developers, proficient in both backend and frontend technologies. This comprehensive approach ensures that we can handle every aspect of your web application development project with finesse and efficiency.

Frontend development covers the web application’s user interface – the part of the application that runs in the web browser. Our frontend development expertise spans a variety of technologies including React, Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, and CSS. We focus on creating intuitive user interfaces that enhance user experience and engagement.

Behind every successful web application lies a robust backend system. We excel in backend technologies such as Microsoft ASP.Net / C#, PHP, and Node.js, leveraging databases like MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server for secure data management. Our proficiency extends to seamless API integrations with third-party services such as accounting systems, ERP systems, payment gateways, and more.

Our web application development services encompass the entire lifecycle of web application development:

  • Web Application Design: Collaborating closely with you, we create detailed wireframes, mock-ups, and prototypes that reflect your business goals and user requirements.
  • Agile Development Methodology: We adopt agile practices to deliver functional components iteratively, ensuring flexibility and responsiveness to your evolving needs.
  • Thorough Testing: Rigorous testing, including functional, usability, performance, security, and cross-browser testing, guarantees a flawless user experience.
  • Efficient Deployment: We assist in deploying your web application on suitable platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure, providing ongoing support and maintenance to ensure its smooth operation.

At Digiwise, we are committed to delivering high-quality web applications that solve your business problems and add value to your organisation. We offer flexible and transparent pricing models, and work within your budget and timeline constraints. Contact us today to get a free quote and consultation for your web application project.

Web Application Development Methodology

Agile software development is commonly seen as ‘best practice’ for medium to large software development projects. However, traditional software development approaches had some advantages in consultant-client relationships including providing a fixed fee for development, which is difficult in an agile approach. At Digiwise we use a methodology based on agile principles but add a few twists to provide meaningful cost estimates and timelines up-front. Throughout the project we work within the cost and time constraints of our clients to deliver maximum return on investment.

Traditional software development approaches involved fully defining functional requirements and system design before commencing development. Such approaches determined a rigid scope of work near the beginning of the project such that a precise fixed fee could also be calculated.

However, the main drawback with traditional approaches is that users typically change their requirements mid-process based on seeing partially completed software. In a fixed fee / fixed scope approach developers would then need to rework their requirements analysis, design, and pricing.

Agile software development is a modern approach to software development that emphasises flexibility and collaboration. Developers deliver a product incrementally, with a focus on delivering working software quickly and responding to changing requirements. Agile development prioritises customer satisfaction, working software, and collaboration between developers and customers. The approach is designed to be adaptable and to allow for changes to be made quickly and easily as the project progresses.

Digiwise provides an outline of the proposed project along with an estimated price and timeline to ensure we have a common understanding with our clients on these matters. However, our development process is closely aligned with agile software development practices to ensure we are responsive to evolving requirements.

Our initial requirements analysis and software design stage is limited to designing what agile software development terms a “minimum viable product” (MVP). The MVP will have a subset of the project’s final functions so that users can trial the system and provide feedback for further rounds of development.

Feedback on the first MVP will guide a second iteration of the agile development cycle. The second iteration may refine the functionality of the first MVP and/or add new features. A key element of agile software development is responding to users’ changing requirements so the inclusions in this cycle are likely to change.

At the commencement of a project, we outline a list of planned stages along with pricing and timing. At the conclusion of each stage, we review this plan such that we maintain a record of what has been completed and an up-to-date estimate of the pricing and timing to complete the project.

Even with evolving requirements, most projects are still completed within the originally estimated pricing and timeline. In some cases, clients may choose to reduce their requirements in one area to add extra features in another area of the software. In other cases, clients may choose to increase the project budget and timeline to broaden the scope of the project.

Overall, our agile based software development approach allows us to deliver high-quality products that meet the needs and expectations of our clients while working within our clients’ budget and timeline. We value transparency and collaboration throughout the project lifecycle, and we are flexible and adaptable to changing requirements. Our goal is to create software solutions that solve real problems and provide value to our clients and their users.

Why Choose Digiwise?

At Digiwise, we are dedicated to crafting high-quality web applications that solve your business challenges and drive growth. Our transparent pricing models and commitment to deadlines ensure a seamless development process.

Ready to transform your ideas into reality? Contact us today for a complimentary consultation and quote tailored to your web application project.